Social Services
Paso Del Norte Children's Development Center
Business: Paso Del Norte Children's Development Center
Contact: Christian Lopez
Phone: 544-8484
Email Christian Lopez
Availability: Monday - Friday, AM and PM
Age Level: Elementary, Teachers, and Parents
Length of Presentation: 15 - 20 minutes
Brief description: Focused on the HOPES collaborative between United Way, El Paso Center for Children, and PDN Childrens regarding our mission and the services that each organization has to offer; parenting classes, therapeutic services, etc. for families with children ages 0 to 5.
Children's Hope
Business: Children's Hope
Contact: Patricia C. Prieto
Phone: 881-1980
Email Patricia C. Prieto
Availability: Monday - Friday, AM and PM
Age Level: Teachers, Parents
Length of Presentation: 20 minutes plus Q & A
Brief description: Our agency is a subcontractor with Child Protective Services. We recruit foster parents to provide a loving and safe environment for children who have removed from their home due to abuse and neglect, and no fault of their own.
Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest
Organization: Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest
Contact: Sandra Vera
Phone: 566-9433
Email Sandra Vera
Availability: Monday thru Friday, AM or PM
Age Level: Elementary, Middle, High School, Teachers, Parents
Length of Presentation: 20 -30 minutes
Brief description: Focus on experiential learning and the benefits of Girl Scouting in the community. Presentation on the connection between Girl Scout leadership experience and educational goals, geared towards a variety of audiences.
American Red Cross
Business: American Red Cross
Contact: Ruth Gomez
Phone: 592-0208
Email Ruth Gomez
Availability: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, AM or PM
Age Level: Elementary, Middle, High School, Teachers, Parents
Length of Presentation: 30 minutes to 2 hours
Brief description: Preparedness education focuses on educating the community on awareness of being prepared for any emergency situation. The 8 preparedness educational activities have been released for teaching groups important preparedness facts and concepts.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of El Paso
Business: Big Brothers Big Sisters of El Paso
Contact: Beth Senger
Phone: 544-4203
Email Beth Senge
Availability: Monday - Friday, AM and PM
Age Level: Teachers, Parents
Length of Presentation: 10 minutes to one hour
Brief description: Research based benefits of mentoring. Recruitment of mentors and children.
YWCA - Racial Justice
Organization: YWCA El Paso Del Norte Region - Racial Justice Program
Contact: Amie Flores
Phone: 533-2311
Email Amie Flores
Availability: Monday - Friday, AM or PM
Age Level: Elementary, Middle, High School, Teachers, Parents
Length of Presentation: Varies with the module. It may be tailored to a time limit.
Brief description: YWCA offers over 400 age-appropriate modules divided into the following comprehensive beliefs: life experiences, diversity awareness, cross-cultural communication, and cultural understanding. These modules are tailored to the needs of the audience, taking into consideration issues such as audience age (pre-school age to adults). Training is also offered for staff.
El Paso Holocaust Museum and Study Center
Business: El Paso Holocaust Museum and Study Center
Phone: 351-0048 ext. 24
Availability: Monday - Friday, AM and PM
Age Level: Middle, High School, Teachers
Length of Presentation: Between 60 to 90 minutes
Brief description: Overview of the Holocaust complete with power point presentation and authentic artifacts. Presentation covers time period between 1933 to 1945 and includes information about Holocaust survivors who made El Paso their home.
Animal Rescue League of El Paso
Organization: Animal Rescue League of El Paso
Contact: Loretta Hyde
Phone: 877-5002
Email Loretta Hyde
Availability: Monday - Friday (2 week’s notice), AM or PM
Age Level: Elementary, Middle School
Length of Presentation: 20 - 30 minutes
Brief description: Education regarding how to be a responsible pet owner including spay, neuter, vaccinations, microchip, etc. Information about their no-kill rescue.
Child Support Division, Office of the Attorney General
Business: Child Support Division, Office of the Attorney General
Contact: Lorraine Sanchez-Rayas
Phone: 782-4211
Email Lorraine Sanchez-Rayas
Availability: Monday - Saturdayday, AM or PM
Age Level: High School, Teachers, Parents
Length of Presentation: tailored to needs of the campus
Brief description: Career fairs, paternity, child support information.
El Paso County Tax Assessor Collector Enforcement Division
Business: El Paso County Tax Assessor Collector Enforcement Division
Contact: Veronica Regalado
Phone: 755-3535 ext, 266
Email Veronica Regalado
Availability: Monday - Friday, AM or PM
Age Level: High School, Teachers, Parents
Length of Presentation: 30 minutes
Brief description: "How to" workshop for novice vehicle consumers. Offers insight into making a sound purchasing decision beyond the mechanics of the vehicle. Teaches how to avoid possible risks and pitfalls when registering a recently purchased vehicle. Excellent for first-time buyers, high school juniors and seniors (and their parents) who are purchasing a vehicle for the first time.
The Salvation Army
Business: The Salvation Army
Contact: Rose Lucero
Phone: 544-9811
Email Rose Lucero
Availability: Monday thru Friday, AM or PM
English, Spanish, Bilingual
Age Level: Elementary, Middle, High School, Teachers, Parents
Length of Presentation: 5 minutes to 2 hours
Brief description: The role and services of the Salvation Army, community needs, homelessness in El Paso, and volunteer opportunities.
Immigrant Defense Bar of El Paso
Organization: Immigrant Defense Bar of El Paso
Contact: Raymundo Rojas
Phone: 258-0989
Email Raymundo Rojas
Availability: Monday thru Friday, AM or PM
English, Spanish, Bilingual
Age Level: Elementary, Teachers, Parents
Length of Presentation: 30 min to 1 hour
Brief description: Presentations on immigration to include the recent "deferred status" for immigrant youth and immigration fraud.