The District offers employees paid and unpaid leave of absences in times of personal need. Employees who have personal needs that will require the employee to be away from duty for more than five consecutive days should contact Risk Management for counseling about leave options.
Employee Leave Benefits
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Temporary Disability
Military Leave
Professional Absences
Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank
Special Life Threatening Illness Plan (Donation of Days)
Purchased Absence
Employees must follow District and campus/department procedures to report or request any leave of absence, and complete the appropriate leave request form. Any employee who is absent more than five days because of a personal or family illness must submit a medical certification from a qualified health care provider confirming the specific dates of the illness and the reason for the illness. In the case of personal illness, the employees must submit a release from a medical provider to Risk Management before reporting to their campus/department.
Please note that if an employee is out on protective leave status (Family Medical Leave (FMLA) and/or Temporary Disability Leave (TDL), they should not be performing any tasks or communication that is work related. This would include responding to work related emails, attending work related events (staff development, staff meetings, open house events, etc..).
Contact Elizabeth Eck at (915) 434-0404